Wednesday 14 October 2015


Theme: Food

Analogical Part 2

The evolution of this basket. Just from the source of the material, it has been influenced to create this product

Force Connection

My problem is that I am not good in playing soccer. When my classmate, Ezzati handed over the 'idea bag' to me, I reached out the item from the bag. The item was an Ironman keychain. What I can do to improve my soccer skills from this are firstly, I can try to juggle it with my legs. With this, it can actually train and polish my juggling skills. Secondly, as Ironman is made from steel, I can input it on my legs so that when I kick the ball, the impact and power will be so great that it even can beat the shot power of professional footballers can do. Not a single goalkeeper can even deal with that kind of power. Hence, every time when I shoot the ball, it is a guarantee goal. Thirdly, since I am a quite small-sized person, my opponents usually do a body-push to me and I easily can fall and thus lost my control on the ball. However, with this item, I can input metal or iron on my body so that when my opponents try to push me away with their body, they the ones who going to feel the pain and perhaps the one who going to fall. Therefore, I will feel non-perishable when the ball is on my feet.

Analogical Thinking

The analogy or the idea is to stabilise a mobile object by using an attachment device to connect it to a more stable object.

After identify the domains, a new idea was created and thus able to come up with something like this: 

Analogical Thinking: A trip to Singapore Art Museum

- Happy / Joy 
- Having harmony and love 
- Anger 
- Sadness
- Flexible

- Angry
- Fierce
- Brawny
- Confident
- Decisive 

Lateral Thinking: Why Bee? Why??

The reasons are firstly, the painting has female bee or bees in it. Assuming that the bee is a male, automatically it will attract as the female bee or bees caught his eye and also it is the opposite sex. Just how normal human beings reacts to opposite sex who is a good looking one. Same goes to this bee. That was the reason why the bee did not even bother with the rose as it was engrossed with the female one which needed more of his attention. Secondly, the rose has withered. As a result, the rose was not attractive to the eyes of the bee so it went to something that was more prepossessing. Thirdly, the eyes of the bee cannot look down or half-blind and so it just went straight to the painting.  Fourth, the painting has honey in or it is made up of honey. As bees are attracted to honey, without a doubt, with the smell of honey and the sight of it, the bee went straight to the painting and did not bother about the rose as the rose was not 'exclusive ' enough to rule over the temptation of the painting.

Lateral Thinking: The Chicken Problem

These are the solution in order do to cope with this problem. Firstly, build a catapult. Immediately when a chicken tries to cross through the hole, the chicken will be launch away. Secondly, building a slide in front of the hole.  As soon as the chicken come in, it will slide out. Thirdly, by hypnotising the chicken. There are many scenarios where chickens were being hypnotised by people, so, hypnotising them would not be a problem. The chickens will be hypnotised to hurt the owner. In hurting the owner, the owner will soon get injured badly and decide not to have chickens at his or her garden. Fourth, planting rubber snakes in the hole. As chickens are scared of snakes and once they see the rubber snakes, they will move away to avoid it. Next solution is to input wooden sticks which have sharp ends pointed up around each of the plant and flowers in my garden. Even though the chickens go into my garden, my plants and flowers will not be damaged and are still safe. Even if they lay eggs in my garden, the plants and flowers are still in beautiful condition and at the same time, I got free valuable eggs! It is going to be a win-win situation as I either can sell the eggs for profit or keep them for future needs.