Wednesday 14 October 2015

Lateral Thinking: The Chicken Problem

These are the solution in order do to cope with this problem. Firstly, build a catapult. Immediately when a chicken tries to cross through the hole, the chicken will be launch away. Secondly, building a slide in front of the hole.  As soon as the chicken come in, it will slide out. Thirdly, by hypnotising the chicken. There are many scenarios where chickens were being hypnotised by people, so, hypnotising them would not be a problem. The chickens will be hypnotised to hurt the owner. In hurting the owner, the owner will soon get injured badly and decide not to have chickens at his or her garden. Fourth, planting rubber snakes in the hole. As chickens are scared of snakes and once they see the rubber snakes, they will move away to avoid it. Next solution is to input wooden sticks which have sharp ends pointed up around each of the plant and flowers in my garden. Even though the chickens go into my garden, my plants and flowers will not be damaged and are still safe. Even if they lay eggs in my garden, the plants and flowers are still in beautiful condition and at the same time, I got free valuable eggs! It is going to be a win-win situation as I either can sell the eggs for profit or keep them for future needs.

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