Wednesday 26 August 2015

Mind-map It! : How to Break a Glass

Breaking a glass may sound easy but what are the fun and interesting way of doing it? Here it is:

To burn or heat the glass. Either put into a subcritical water of 374 °C or just putting it against a hot and big flame.

Excessive water pressure. An example is using a fire hose which will burst excessive force of water.

BB gun is like a normal gun but the bullets are being replaced with shot pellets. However, the damage is very strong until to the extend you get bruises if being shot. So if we can get injured, so can a glass.

Using acid, specifically carborane acid. Being one million times stronger than sulphuric acid and the strongest acid in the world, clearly this can damage and break the glass.

By using Liquid Nitrogen it can actually break the class because the water inside of the glass's cells freezes and forms crystals, causing the glass to become ridged, therefore it can shatter and also due to the fact that Liquid Nitrogen has a temperature of −195.79 °C. Example->Click this link

Ceramics from broken plug. Simply just throw and it will break as the materials is very adamantine. Example->Watch 0.40 - 1.07

Electricity, specifically overvoltage. Firstly make a circuit and then connect it to the glass by wrapping it with an electrical conductor. Then raise the voltage in the circuit above its upper design limit thus creating an overvoltage which the strength of the power can be strong as a lightning.

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