Wednesday 26 August 2015

Break The Rules!

This pillow can actually tell you the time and also can wake you up as it can acts as your alarm. Most of the time people will rely on their smart devices for timings and alarm but with this, it offers both and the best part is, it has one thing that the phone does not have; great comfort.

 Most of the time, despite using an umbrella when it is raining, our shoes, pants or even our shirt can be wet too. However, with this, not to worry as it is a whole body protection so we will look as what we want to be looked as our appearance will not get wet or damaged.

Go break the rule, go driverless. This is actually the world's first driverless car manufactured by Mercedes.Thanks to the modern technology, they were able to create this uncommon car. Just from looking at the brand, Mercedes, you can know this car is going to be sleek,elegant, beautiful interior and exterior, have high performances and will definitely catch every eye on the street.
Ink?No.. Just scan! Why need to refill or buy new ink when you can just scan any colour of your choice and use it infinitely without worrying it about running out of it.  This actually saves a lot of money and the creativity of doing anything are endless.

This is a car-like motorcycle which can never fall down. Some people have a fear mindset of riding a motorcycle as motorcycles are very dangerous to ride on as it is accident-prone or injury-prone due to the fact that we can fall off or flew from from the motorcycle easily . However with this, the mindset has changed.

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