Wednesday 26 August 2015

Mind-map It! : How to Break a Glass

Breaking a glass may sound easy but what are the fun and interesting way of doing it? Here it is:

To burn or heat the glass. Either put into a subcritical water of 374 °C or just putting it against a hot and big flame.

Excessive water pressure. An example is using a fire hose which will burst excessive force of water.

BB gun is like a normal gun but the bullets are being replaced with shot pellets. However, the damage is very strong until to the extend you get bruises if being shot. So if we can get injured, so can a glass.

Using acid, specifically carborane acid. Being one million times stronger than sulphuric acid and the strongest acid in the world, clearly this can damage and break the glass.

By using Liquid Nitrogen it can actually break the class because the water inside of the glass's cells freezes and forms crystals, causing the glass to become ridged, therefore it can shatter and also due to the fact that Liquid Nitrogen has a temperature of −195.79 °C. Example->Click this link

Ceramics from broken plug. Simply just throw and it will break as the materials is very adamantine. Example->Watch 0.40 - 1.07

Electricity, specifically overvoltage. Firstly make a circuit and then connect it to the glass by wrapping it with an electrical conductor. Then raise the voltage in the circuit above its upper design limit thus creating an overvoltage which the strength of the power can be strong as a lightning.

Mind-map It!: How To Save The Earth

‘”Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans,” quoted by Evo Morales. We as humans must take responsibility of taking care of our Earth, our home. These are the ways which we can do to save our planet.

Avoid deforestation: One the ways is using coals. It requires hours to consume a few logs but takes years for a tree to fully grow. Therefore use coals instead of firewood in fireplace.

Carpooling/taxi-pooling: Save more, drive less. By this it actually reduce the usage of fossil fuels and CFCs (Chloro-floro Carbon) produced.

Save bees: No bees=no food

3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Examples are reducing usage of papers, reusing plastic bags for shopping and recycling newspaper.

Save Water: Use a cup when brushing teeth and collecting rainwater to water the plants.

Plant Trees: More oxygen to counteract the amount of carbon dioxide produced.

Save energy: Some of the examples are using staircase instead of elevator and using compact fluorescent bulbs.

Go technologized: Solar powered houses which convert sunlight into energy and also automated light bulbs so that it is switched off when not in use.

Break The Rules!

This pillow can actually tell you the time and also can wake you up as it can acts as your alarm. Most of the time people will rely on their smart devices for timings and alarm but with this, it offers both and the best part is, it has one thing that the phone does not have; great comfort.

 Most of the time, despite using an umbrella when it is raining, our shoes, pants or even our shirt can be wet too. However, with this, not to worry as it is a whole body protection so we will look as what we want to be looked as our appearance will not get wet or damaged.

Go break the rule, go driverless. This is actually the world's first driverless car manufactured by Mercedes.Thanks to the modern technology, they were able to create this uncommon car. Just from looking at the brand, Mercedes, you can know this car is going to be sleek,elegant, beautiful interior and exterior, have high performances and will definitely catch every eye on the street.
Ink?No.. Just scan! Why need to refill or buy new ink when you can just scan any colour of your choice and use it infinitely without worrying it about running out of it.  This actually saves a lot of money and the creativity of doing anything are endless.

This is a car-like motorcycle which can never fall down. Some people have a fear mindset of riding a motorcycle as motorcycles are very dangerous to ride on as it is accident-prone or injury-prone due to the fact that we can fall off or flew from from the motorcycle easily . However with this, the mindset has changed.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

My Journey Home

This is where the fun begins, literally for the children there. Regardless of age, race, language or religion, they still able to play together and have a good time even though they had a rough day at school. If we look closely to the picture, they were so many children there until they can form a pyramid from themselves.

 This mosque really beautifies the surrounding as I felt calm when I saw this.  When I was photographing during this timing, there were quite a number of people coming into the area to perform this prayer at the mosque. I knew that back in days, the dome at the top of this structure is to make the sound of the prayer travel further so that a wide range if people can hear it.

 I felt new when first saw this as despite never entering a temple, I was at a new place for me as I rarely alight there. First, the mosque and now the temple. This shows how multi-cultural our country is.
 First thing when came across here was the smell of grass. The freshness of it. It shocked me as not everyday we can smell the aroma of grass. Furthermore, it is a pleasant smell.
I like the unique design of this because of its shape. Not often get to see a lamppost like this and this actually helps me when I am on my home. As this can be seen from the bus or bus stop, if this lamp lights up means I am late in coming home, vice versa. As you can see from the picture, yes, I was late.